Panicum anceps Michx.
Synonym: P. rhizomatum Hitchc. & Chase
Natural range: Mostly in the southeastern corner of the U.S.
Habitat: Moist sandy places, moist flatwoods, shores
Florida status: Native, common
Recognition: Rhizomes scaly, resembling a chicken foot. Spikelets a little lopsided or curled (falcate), 2.3-3.9 mm long. Lower glume ½ the spikelet (smaller than that in P. virgatum, which is > 1.8 mm).
Both this species and P. rigidulum have a tiny apical hair tuft on the upper lemma. (This feature can be clearly seen with a dissecting scope.) Panicum rigidulum differs from P. anceps by not having a scaly chicken-foot rhizome, by having the leaf sheaths sharp-creased, ligules 0.3-3 mm (vs. < 0.5 mm), spikelets often tending to be smaller (1.3)1.6-3.8 mm (vs. > 2.3 in P. anceps) and not slightly curled (i.e., not falcate).
Differs from P. hians in this character and by having the inflorescene upright. Panicum hemitomon is similar but does not have the hairs on the fertile lemma and has longer spikelets (> 2.7 mm vs. usually shorter).